North Coast Pollinator Program

May 4, 2021

North Coast Begins it's Pollinator Program

Here at North Coast, we are always working to improve ourselves and our accountability to the planet we live on. And with record decline in population, our pollinators need our attention now more than ever. It’s under this mission statement that we have officially kicked off 2021 with our first ever Pollinator Program.

Working together with our partner, The Best Bees Co., we have created a plan to host honeybee hives at different properties throughout our portfolio. This program uses The Best Bees Co.’s vast network of resources to employ local beekeepers in every region. With our provided sponsorship the beekeepers are able to install beehive boxes at each site, bring a colony to live in our hive and maintain and monitor our newest little residents over the entirety of the year. At the end of the beekeeping season (early fall) the keepers will winterize the hive and harvest the honey. They also provide us with a honey bottling service and all bottles are then given to us so that our employees and residents can reap the reward of having our very own hives.

And although the honey is delicious and we get to support the bee population by giving them a place to live, this isn’t the only paramount benefit from the NC Pollinator Program. Not only does The Best Bees Co. install and maintain our hives, they also contribute to leading pollinator research. Part of sponsoring the hive is giving a control for scientists to work on critical experiments like creating pollinator vaccines to combat disease, identifying sources of declining populations and analyzing which plants in our urban landscapes are most beneficial to honey production. The Best Bees Co. partners with world renowned researches at places like MIT, NASA, National Geographic and Harvard University to complete research that we hope will lead to population stability and improved health for these keystone creatures.

The Best Bees Co. partners with world renowned researches at places like MIT, NASA, National Geographic and Harvard University to complete research that we hope will lead to population stability and improved health for these keystone creatures.

We have repurposed grass landscaping, utilized unused amenity spaces, put hive boxes on the roof of a 12-story building and found all sorts of creative ways to make a place for the newest addition to our North Coast family. So far, we have installed colonies throughout CA, OR, TX and WA with plans to expand our program in 2022 as jurisdiction allows.

It’s never been more important to step in and support these fragile systems than right now and North Coast is proud to be doing our part with the NC Pollinator Program.

Every little bit helps, from planting bee friendly flowers all the way to keeping your own bee colonies and we hope our program inspires other companies and individuals to take the step and help save our bees!