January 22, 2025
We've landed at a staggering 85,892 pounds of food donated to our communities since the beginning of our food drive initiatives.
Every December, North Coast communities rally behind a single mission: to fight hunger in our local neighborhoods. This year, our teams and residents came together to collect an impressive total of 11,033 pounds of food!
Adding this year’s contributions to our running tally, we’ve reached a staggering 85,892 pounds of food donated to our communities since the inception of our food drive initiatives.
Contest #1: Food Drive Display - The North Coast team as a whole votes on which community had the most creative display, best holiday themed display, and best display overall.
Contest #2: Food Donation Amount - We use the total donated and divide it by the number of units in the property to get a “per unit” number (since more residents should correlate to more opportunities for donation.)
Blake at Berkeley with "Barbie Christmas"
Every December Blake at Berkeley partners with Samaritan House to bring non-perishable goods to families in the bay area. This year, Ken and Barbie made an appearance in the lobby to show residents that if they can do it, then so can you!
Ken and Barbie weren’t just serving looks—they were serving up generosity. The most stylish duo in the North Coast communities strutted their way to the top, collecting an impressive 22.14 pounds of food per unit and 1860 pounds of food total.
The Lark with Terminate Hunger - Your Mission Awaits
With the motto "No Excuses, No Turning Back," residents were tasked with the mission of delivering their non-perishable food items to the CAN-nonator in the lobby to help crush hunger for good.
Last year, The Lark conquered with 2,970 pounds of food for the Samaritan House of San Mateo. This year, they did not disappoint in fulfilling their mission! As a team, they helped make hunger obsolete by collecting 14.21 pounds of food per unit and 2800 pounds of food total.
Broadway Place Apartments with "The Grinch's Cave"
Broadway Place partnered with FOOD for Lane County to help fight hunger in their community.
Residents dared to step into 'The Grinch’s Cave,' where they left their non-perishable offerings in the depths of his fiery fireplace. A huge shoutout to their team for bringing the holiday spirit to life with such creativity and heart!
Blake at Berkeley with 22.14 pounds per unit and 1860 pounds total
The Lark with 14.21 pounds per unit and 2800 pounds total
Aperture with 10.04 pounds per unit and 833 pounds total.
Aperture San Bruno partnered with a local food bank, Second Harvest of Silicon Valley, to help bring meals and hope to local families.
A huge congratulations to the Aperture community for winning 3rd place in the North Coast Food Drive with an impressive 10.04 pounds of food donated per unit—way to make an impact!